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Interior design and decorating services
St. Louis, Missouri, and surrounding areas


The Museum of You

My philosophy of design is You do you. Your home should be the museum of you.

Decorating is not trivial.

The objects we choose to surround ourselves with are meaningful. They tell the story of who we are and what we hold to be important and dear. They're the artifacts of a rich, fulfilling life. A home filled with personal things is interesting, layered, warm, and welcoming, to its inhabitants and its guests alike.


Maybe you're thinking "That all sounds great. But I'm overwhelmed about where to start." or "I don't quite know how to pull it all together." or "I'm not sure of my style."


Don't worry. We'll conduct a little “object anthropology” to figure out the best way for the place where you live to tell your unique story. Let's start with your existing pieces and blend them with new ones to create a seamless whole. Let's create a space that looks beautiful and works for how you live.

Let’s work together to transform your home into a place that brings you joy and feeds your soul.

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